Gastric Alimetry Expands Patient Phenotyping in Gastroduodenal Disorders Compared With Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy
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The American Journal of Gastroenterology
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Gastric Alimetry Expands Patient Phenotyping in Gastroduodenal Disorders Compared with Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy
Am. J. Gastroenterol 2024 Feb 01;119(2)331-341, WJ Wang, D Foong, S Calder, G Schamberg, C Varghese, J Tack, W Xu, C Daker, D Carson, S Waite, T Hayes, P Du, TL Abell, HP Parkman, IH Huang, V Fernandes, CN Andrews, AA Gharibans, V Ho, G O'GradyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.