Incidence of Death or Disability at 6 Months After ECMO
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Incidence of death or disability at 6 months after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Australia: a prospective, multicentre, registry-embedded cohort study
Lancet Respir Med 2022 Sep 26;[EPub Ahead of Print], CL Hodgson, AM Higgins, MJ Bailey, S Anderson, S Bernard, BJ Fulcher, D Koe, NJ Linke, JV Board, D Brodie, H Buhr, AJC Burrell, DJ Cooper, E Fan, JF Fraser, DJ Gattas, IK Hopper, S Huckson, E Litton, SP McGuinness, P Nair, N Orford, RL Parke, VA Pellegrino, DV Pilcher, J Sheldrake, BAJ Reddi, D Stub, TV Trapani, AA Udy, AS NetoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.