Weaning of Maintenance Immunosuppressive Therapy in Lupus Nephritis
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Weaning of maintenance immunosuppressive therapy in lupus nephritis (WIN-Lupus): results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Ann. Rheum. Dis 2022 Jun 20;[EPub Ahead of Print], N Jourde-Chiche, N Costedoat-Chalumeau, K Baumstarck, A Loundou, L Bouillet, S Burtey, V Caudwell, L Chiche, L Couzi, L Daniel, C Deligny, B Dussol, S Faguer, P Gobert, G Gondran, A Huart, A Hummel, E Kalbacher, A Karras, M Lambert, V Le Guern, L Lebourg, S Loubière, H Maillard-Lefebvre, F Maurier, M Pha, V Queyrel, P Remy, F Sarrot-Reynauld, D Verhelst, E Hachulla, Z Amoura, E DaugasFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.