Vupanorsen Lowers Triglycerides and Atherogenic Lipoproteins in Patients With Diabetes, Hepatic Steatosis, and Hypertriglyceridemia
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Vupanorsen, an N-Acetyl Galactosamine-Conjugated Antisense Drug to ANGPTL3 mRNA, Lowers Triglycerides and Atherogenic Lipoproteins in Patients With Diabetes, Hepatic Steatosis, and Hypertriglyceridaemia
Eur Heart J 2020 Aug 29;[EPub Ahead of Print], D Gaudet, E Karwatowska-Prokopczuk, SJ Baum, E Hurh, J Kingsbury, VJ Bartlett, AL Figueroa, P Piscitelli, W Singleton, JL Witztum, RS Geary, S Tsimikas, L St L O'DeaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.