Volanesorsen Reduces Triglyceride Levels in Familial Chylomicronemia Syndrome
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Volanesorsen and Triglyceride Levels in Familial Chylomicronemia Syndrome
N. Engl. J. Med 2019 Aug 08;381(6)531-542, JL Witztum, D Gaudet, SD Freedman, VJ Alexander, A Digenio, KR Williams, Q Yang, SG Hughes, RS Geary, M Arca, ESG Stroes, J Bergeron, H Soran, F Civeira, L Hemphill, S Tsimikas, DJ Blom, L O'Dea, E BruckertFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.