Urine-Based Genomic Assay to Triage Patients With Hematuria for Cystoscopy
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A Urine-Based Genomic Assay to Triage Patients With Hematuria for Cystoscopy
J Urol 2020 Jul 01;204(1)50-57, KEM van Kessel, JJ de Jong, ACJ Ziel-van der Made, H Roshani, SM Haensel, JH Wolterbeek, ER Boevé, EHGM Oomens, NJ van Casteren, M Krispin, JL Boormans, EW Steyerberg, W van Criekinge, EC ZwarthoffFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.