Updated WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity
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World Health Organization 2020 Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
Br J Sports Med 2020 Dec 01;54(24)1451-1462, FC Bull, SS Al-Ansari, S Biddle, K Borodulin, MP Buman, G Cardon, C Carty, JP Chaput, S Chastin, R Chou, PC Dempsey, L DiPietro, U Ekelund, J Firth, CM Friedenreich, L Garcia, M Gichu, R Jago, PT Katzmarzyk, E Lambert, M Leitzmann, K Milton, FB Ortega, C Ranasinghe, E Stamatakis, A Tiedemann, RP Troiano, HP van der Ploeg, V Wari, JF WillumsenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.