Translocation of Viable Gut Microbiota to Mesenteric Adipose Drives Formation of Creeping Fat in Humans
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Translocation of Viable Gut Microbiota to Mesenteric Adipose Drives Formation of Creeping Fat in Humans
Cell 2020 Oct 29;183(3)666-683.e17, CWY Ha, A Martin, GD Sepich-Poore, B Shi, Y Wang, K Gouin, G Humphrey, K Sanders, Y Ratnayake, KSL Chan, G Hendrick, JR Caldera, C Arias, JE Moskowitz, SJ Ho Sui, S Yang, D Underhill, MJ Brady, S Knott, K Kaihara, MJ Steinbaugh, H Li, DPB McGovern, R Knight, P Fleshner, S DevkotaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.