Tocilizumab Efficacy in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
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Efficacy of Tocilizumab in Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19
N. Engl. J. Med 2020 Dec 10;383(24)2333-2344, JH Stone, MJ Frigault, NJ Serling-Boyd, AD Fernandes, L Harvey, AS Foulkes, NK Horick, BC Healy, R Shah, AM Bensaci, AE Woolley, S Nikiforow, N Lin, M Sagar, H Schrager, DS Huckins, M Axelrod, MD Pincus, J Fleisher, CA Sacks, M Dougan, CM North, YD Halvorsen, TK Thurber, Z Dagher, A Scherer, RS Wallwork, AY Kim, S Schoenfeld, P Sen, TG Neilan, CA Perugino, SH Unizony, DS Collier, MA Matza, JM Yinh, KA Bowman, E Meyerowitz, A Zafar, ZD Drobni, MB Bolster, M Kohler, KM D'Silva, J Dau, MM Lockwood, C Cubbison, BN Weber, MK Mansour, BACC Bay Tocilizumab Trial InvestigatorsFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.