The EORTC-DeCOG Nomogram Adequately Predicts Outcomes of Patients With SLN+ Melanoma
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The EORTC-DeCOG Nomogram Adequately Predicts Outcomes of Patients With Sentinel Node-Positive Melanoma Without the Need for Completion Lymph Node Dissection
Eur. J. Cancer 2020 May 23;134(xx)9-18, D Verver, A Rekkas, C Garbe, D van Klaveren, ACJ van Akkooi, P Rutkowski, BWEM Powell, C Robert, A Testori, BL van Leeuwen, AAM van der Veldt, U Keilholz, R Stadler, AMM Eggermont, C Verhoef, U Leiter, DJ GrünhagenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.