Successful Use of Telemedicine for Evaluation of Infantile Hemangiomas During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
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Successful use of telemedicine for evaluation of infantile hemangiomas during the early COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
Pediatr Dermatol 2022 Jun 22;[EPub Ahead of Print], NW Kittler, IJ Frieden, K Abuabara, DH Siegel, KA Horii, EF Mathes, F Blei, AN Haggstrom, JL Streicher, DW Metry, MC Garzon, KD Morel, CT Lauren, M Hogeling, E Fernandez Faith, E Baselga, MM Tollefson, BD Newell, CC McCuaig, AJ Mancini, SL Chamlin, EM Becker, ML Cossio, SD ShahFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.