Study Uncovers Three Clinical Courses of Acutely Decompensated Cirrhosis With Distinct Pathophysiology
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The PREDICT Study Uncovers Three Clinical Courses of Acutely Decompensated Cirrhosis That Have Distinct Pathophysiology
J. Hepatol. 2020 Oct 01;73(4)842-854, J Trebicka, J Fernandez, M Papp, P Caraceni, W Laleman, C Gambino, I Giovo, FE Uschner, C Jimenez, R Mookerjee, T Gustot, A Albillos, R Bañares, M Janicko, C Steib, T Reiberger, J Acevedo, P Gatti, W Bernal, S Zeuzem, A Zipprich, S Piano, T Berg, T Bruns, F Bendtsen, M Coenraad, M Merli, R Stauber, H Zoller, JP Ramos, C Solè, G Soriano, A de Gottardi, H Gronbaek, F Saliba, C Trautwein, OC Özdogan, S Francque, S Ryder, P Nahon, M Romero-Gomez, H Van Vlierberghe, C Francoz, M Manns, E Garcia, M Tufoni, A Amoros, M Pavesi, C Sanchez, A Curto, C Pitarch, A Putignano, E Moreno, D Shawcross, F Aguilar, J Clària, P Ponzo, C Jansen, Z Vitalis, G Zaccherini, B Balogh, V Vargas, S Montagnese, C Alessandria, M Bernardi, P Ginès, R Jalan, R Moreau, P Angeli, V ArroyoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.