Splenic Metabolic Activity Predicts Risk for Future Cardiovascular Events
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Splenic Metabolic Activity Predicts Risk of Future Cardiovascular Events: Demonstration of a Cardiosplenic Axis in Humans
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2014 Dec 31;[EPub Ahead of Print], H Emami, P Singh, M MacNabb, E Vucic, Z Lavender, JH Rudd, ZA Fayad, J Lehrer-Graiwer, M Korsgren, AL Figueroa, J Fredrickson, B Rubin, U Hoffmann, QA Truong, JK Min, A Baruch, K Nasir, M Nahrendorf, A TawakolFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.