Short-Term Trajectories of Poststroke Cognitive Function
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Short-term Trajectories of Poststroke Cognitive Function: A STROKOG Collaboration Study
Neurology 2023 Apr 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], JW Lo, JD Crawford, DW Desmond, HJ Bae, JS Lim, O Godefroy, M Roussel, S Köhler, J Staals, F Verhey, C Chen, X Xu, E Chong, N Kandiah, R Bordet, T Dondaine, AM Mendyk, H Brodaty, L Traykov, S Mehrabian, N Petrova, DM Lipnicki, BC Pan Lam, PS SachdevFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.