Selective Internal Radiation Therapy vs Sorafenib in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
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SIRveNIB: Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Versus Sorafenib in Asia-Pacific Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma
J. Clin. Oncol 2018 Mar 02;[EPub Ahead of Print], PKH Chow, M Gandhi, SB Tan, MW Khin, A Khasbazar, J Ong, SP Choo, PC Cheow, C Chotipanich, K Lim, LA Lesmana, TW Manuaba, BK Yoong, A Raj, CS Law, IHY Cua, RR Lobo, CSC Teh, YH Kim, YW Jong, HS Han, SH Bae, HK Yoon, RC Lee, CF Hung, CY Peng, PC Liang, A Bartlett, KYY Kok, CH Thng, AS Low, ASW Goh, KH Tay, RHG Lo, BKP Goh, DCE Ng, G Lekurwale, WM Liew, V Gebski, KSW Mak, KC SooFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.