Seasonality of Cardiovascular Risk Factors
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Seasonality of Cardiovascular Risk Factors: An Analysis Including Over 230 000 Participants in 15 Countries
Heart 2014 May 30;[EPub Ahead of Print], H Marti-Soler, C Gubelmann, S Aeschbacher, L Alves, M Bobak, V Bongard, E Clays, G de Gaetano, A Di Castelnuovo, R Elosua, J Ferrieres, I Guessous, J Igland, T Jørgensen, Y Nikitin, MG O'Doherty, L Palmieri, R Ramos, J Simons, G Sulo, D Vanuzzo, J Vila, H Barros, A Borglykke, D Conen, D De Bacquer, C Donfrancesco, JM Gaspoz, S Giampaoli, GG Giles, L Iacoviello, F Kee, R Kubinova, S Malyutina, J Marrugat, E Prescott, JB Ruidavets, R Scragg, LA Simons, A Tamosiunas, GS Tell, P Vollenweider, P Marques-VidalFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.