Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Terlipressin Infusion for the Management of Hepatorenal Syndrome–Acute Kidney Injury in a Liver Transplantation Population
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Safety and efficacy of continuous terlipressin infusion in HRS-AKI in a transplant population
Liver Transpl. 2024 Oct 01;30(10)1026-1038, KR Reddy, EM Weinberg, SA Gonzalez, MJ Izzy, DA Simonetto, RT Frederick, RA Rubin, Z Fricker, J Ikahihifo-Bender, M Harte, S Garcia, K Campbell, A Olofson, RF Razavi, JM James, H Patel, G Kim-Lee, S Witkiewicz, W Tobin, K JamilFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.