RNA Sequencing to Predict Response to Neoadjuvant Anti-HER2 Therapy
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RNA Sequencing to Predict Response to Neoadjuvant Anti-HER2 Therapy: A Secondary Analysis of the NeoALTTO Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Oncol 2016 Sep 29;[EPub Ahead of Print], D Fumagalli, D Venet, M Ignatiadis, HA Azim, M Maetens, F Rothé, R Salgado, I Bradbury, L Pusztai, N Harbeck, H Gomez, TW Chang, MA Coccia-Portugal, S Di Cosimo, E de Azambuja, L de la Peña, P Nuciforo, JC Brase, J Huober, J Baselga, M Piccart, S Loi, C SotiriouFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.