Risk-Based Lung Cancer Screening Performance in a Universal Healthcare Setting
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Risk-based lung cancer screening performance in a universal healthcare setting
Nat. Med. 2024 Apr 01;30(4)1054-1064, MC Tammemägi, GE Darling, H Schmidt, MJ Walker, D Langer, YW Leung, K Nguyen, B Miller, D Llovet, WK Evans, DN Buchanan, G Espino-Hernandez, U Aslam, A Sheppard, A Lofters, M McInnis, J Dobranowski, S Habbous, C Finley, M Luettschwager, E Cameron, C Bravo, A Banaszewska, K Creighton-Taylor, B Fernandes, J Gao, A Lee, V Lee, B Pylypenko, M Yu, E Svara, S Kaushal, L MacNiven, C McGarry, L Della Mora, L Koen, J Moffatt, M Rey, M Yurcan, L Bourne, G Bromfield, M Coulson, R Truscott, L RabeneckFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.