Respiratory Recovery Trajectories After Severe to Critical COVID-19
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Respiratory recovery trajectories after severe-to-critical COVID-19: a 1-year prospective multicentre study
Eur. Respir. J. 2023 Apr 01;61(4)2201532, F Schlemmer, S Valentin, L Boyer, A Guillaumot, F Chabot, C Dupin, P Le Guen, G Lorillon, A Bergeron, D Basille, J Delomez, C Andrejak, V Bonnefoy, H Goussault, JB Assié, P Choinier, AM Ruppert, J Cadranel, MC Mennitti, M Roumila, C Colin, S Günther, O Sanchez, T Gille, L Sésé, Y Uzunhan, M Faure, M Patout, C Morelot-Panzini, P Laveneziana, M Zysman, E Blanchard, C Raherison-Semjen, V Giraud, E Giroux-Leprieur, S Habib, N Roche, AT Dinh-Xuan, I Sifaoui, PY Brillet, C Jung, E Boutin, R Layese, F Canoui-Poitrine, B MaitreFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.