Relationship Between Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Serum Anti-BP180 IgG Antibody Levels in Patients With Pemphigoid Gestationis
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Anti-BP180 IgG antibody ELISA values correlate with adverse pregnancy outcomes in pemphigoid gestationis
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2023 Feb 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], N Cordel, J Flament, F Jouen, V Seta, E Tancrède-Bohin, C Picard Dahan, MP Konstantinou, O Dereure, G Quéreux, C Prost, C Bedane, S Debarbieux, JP Lacour, A Dompmartin, E Wierzbicka-Hainaut, I Bourgault Villada, S Ingen Housz Oro, P Vabres, MA Richard, E Delaporte, A Pham-Ledard, MT Leccia, N Litrowski, C Michel, B Lagrange, M D'Incan, C Abasq, S Duvert-Lehembre, A Dupuy, I Alcaraz, AL Breton-Guitarian, F Lombart, E Estève, L Machet, P Del Giudice, M Fenot, T Belmondo, F Morin, O Guérin, J Benichou, B Tressières, P JolyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.