Real-World Outcomes of Women With HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Trastuzumab
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Real world evidence of adjuvant trastuzumab in HER2 positive early breast cancer
Sci Rep 2023 May 03;13(1)7168, J Lluch-Gómez, V Núñez-Álvarez, C de la Torre-Hita, M Bernal-Gómez, A Campini-Bermejo, E Perdomo-Zaldívar, L Rodríguez-Pérez, J Calvete-Candenas, MJ Martínez-Bautista, E Benítez-Rodríguez, JM Baena-CañadaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.