Predictors of Normal Visual Acuity Following Anatomically Successful Macular Hole Surgery
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Factors Predicting Normal Visual Acuity Following Anatomically Successful Macular Hole Surgery
Acta Ophthalmol 2020 Aug 24;[EPub Ahead of Print], M Fallico, TL Jackson, A Chronopoulos, LO Hattenbach, A Longo, V Bonfiglio, A Russo, T Avitabile, F Parisi, M Romano, T Fiore, C Cagini, M Lupidi, R Frisina, L Motta, R Rejdak, K Nowomiejska, M Toro, L Ventre, M ReibaldiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.