Outcomes of Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion With Mild to Moderate Symptoms
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Outcomes of Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion With Mild to Moderate Symptoms
Neurology 2024 Dec 24;103(12)e210086, E Nicolini, G Pracucci, A Ciacciarelli, V Saia, N Limbucci, P Nencini, M Ruggiero, M Longoni, M Cosottini, G Orlandi, M Bergui, P Cerrato, S Vallone, G Bigliardi, S Cioni, R Tassi, V Da Ros, M Diomedi, L Simonetti, A Zini, M Velo, P La Spina, L Castellan, M Del Sette, M De Michele, S Lorenzano, I Casetta, E Fainardi, F Sallustio, R Menozzi, A Pezzini, DG Romano, G Frauenfelder, S Nappini, N Loizzo, A Saletti, A De Vito, R Augelli, M Cappellari, DS Zimatore, M Petruzzellis, L Allegretti, T Tassinari, D Ajello, S Marcheselli, MP Ganimede, G Boero, S Mangiafico, N Ahmed, D Toni, CW CeredaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.