Outcomes of Adjuvant Anti–PD-1 Therapy in Patients With SLN-Positive Melanoma Who Did Not Undergo Completion Lymph Node Dissection
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Outcomes with adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with sentinel lymph node-positive melanoma without completion lymph node dissection
J Immunother Cancer 2022 Aug 01;10(8)e004417, Z Eroglu, KK Broman, JF Thompson, A Nijhuis, TJ Hieken, L Kottschade, JM Farma, M Hotz, J Deneve, M Fleming, EK Bartlett, A Sharma, L Dossett, T Hughes, DE Gyorki, J Downs, G Karakousis, Y Song, A Lee, RS Berman, A van Akkooi, E Stahlie, D Han, J Vetto, G Beasley, NE Farrow, JYC Hui, M Moncrieff, J Nobes, K Baecher, M Perez, M Lowe, DW Ollila, FA Collichio, RO Bagge, J Mattsson, HM Kroon, H Chai, J Teras, J Sun, MJ Carr, A Tandon, NA Babacan, Y Kim, M Naqvi, J Zager, NI KhushalaniFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.