Noninvasive Perivascular Fat Imaging Detects Human Coronary Inflammation
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Detecting Human Coronary Inflammation by Imaging Perivascular Fat
Sci Transl Med 2017 Jul 12;9(398)xx, AS Antonopoulos, F Sanna, N Sabharwal, S Thomas, EK Oikonomou, L Herdman, M Margaritis, C Shirodaria, AM Kampoli, I Akoumianakis, M Petrou, R Sayeed, G Krasopoulos, C Psarros, P Ciccone, CM Brophy, J Digby, A Kelion, R Uberoi, S Anthony, N Alexopoulos, D Tousoulis, S Achenbach, S Neubauer, KM Channon, C AntoniadesFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.