No Benefit With Early Therapeutic Anticoagulation on Survival in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19
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Thrombosis, Bleeding, and the Observational Effect of Early Therapeutic Anticoagulation on Survival in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19
Ann. Intern. Med 2021 Jan 26;[EPub Ahead of Print], H Al-Samkari, S Gupta, RK Leaf, W Wang, RP Rosovsky, SK Brenner, SS Hayek, H Berlin, R Kapoor, S Shaefi, ML Melamed, A Sutherland, J Radbel, A Green, BT Garibaldi, A Srivastava, A Leonberg-Yoo, AM Shehata, JE Flythe, A Rashidi, N Goyal, L Chan, KS Mathews, SS Hedayati, R Dy, SM Toth-Manikowski, J Zhang, M Mallappallil, RE Redfern, AD Bansal, SAP Short, MG Vangel, AJ Admon, MW Semler, KA Bauer, MA Hernán, DE LeafFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.