Neutrophil-Only Histological Assessment of Ulcerative Colitis Correlates With Endoscopic Activity and Predicts Long-Term Outcomes
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Neutrophil-only Histological Assessment of Ulcerative Colitis Correlates with Endoscopic Activity and Predicts Long-term Outcomes in a Multicentre Study
J Crohns Colitis 2023 Dec 30;17(12)1931-1938, TL Parigi, R Cannatelli, OM Nardone, I Zammarchi, U Shivaji, F Furfaro, D Zardo, P Spaggiari, R Del Sordo, O Setti, S Majumder, SCL Smith, S Danese, A Armuzzi, V Villanacci, S Ghosh, M IacucciFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.