Neurocognitive Dysfunction With Neuronal Injury in People With HIV on Long-Duration Antiretroviral Therapy
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Neurocognitive Dysfunction With Neuronal Injury in People With HIV on Long-Duration Antiretroviral Therapy
Neurology 2023 Apr 27;[EPub Ahead of Print], C McMahan, DK Dietrich, EF Horne, E Kelly, K Geannopoulos, PS Siyahhan Julnes, L Ham, U Santamaria, CY Lau, T Wu, HC Hsieh, A Ganesan, C Berjohn, S Kapetanovic, DS Reich, G Nair, J Snow, BK Agan, A Nath, BR SmithFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.