Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy Leads to Pathological Responses in MMR-Proficient and MMR-Deficient Early-Stage Colon Cancers
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Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy Leads to Pathological Responses in MMR-Proficient and MMR-Deficient Early-Stage Colon Cancers
Nat. Med. 2020 Apr 06;[EPub Ahead of Print], M Chalabi, LF Fanchi, KK Dijkstra, JG Van den Berg, AG Aalbers, K Sikorska, M Lopez-Yurda, C Grootscholten, GL Beets, P Snaebjornsson, M Maas, M Mertz, V Veninga, G Bounova, A Broeks, RG Beets-Tan, TR de Wijkerslooth, AU van Lent, HA Marsman, E Nuijten, NF Kok, M Kuiper, WH Verbeek, M Kok, ME Van Leerdam, TN Schumacher, EE Voest, JB HaanenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.