MYC Activation Cooperates With VHL and INK4a/ARF Loss to Induce Clear Cell RCC
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MYC Activation Cooperates With Vhl and Ink4a/Arf Loss to Induce Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Nat Commun 2017 Jun 08;[EPub Ahead of Print], ST Bailey, AM Smith, J Kardos, SE Wobker, HL Wilson, B Krishnan, R Saito, HJ Lee, J Zhang, SC Eaton, LA Williams, U Manocha, DJ Peters, X Pan, TJ Carroll, DW Felsher, V Walter, Q Zhang, JS Parker, JJ Yeh, RA Moffitt, JY Leung, WY KimFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.