Multicomponent Intervention Decreased Mobility Disability in Frail Older Adults
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Multicomponent intervention to prevent mobility disability in frail older adults: randomised controlled trial (SPRINTT project)
BMJ 2022 May 11;377(xx)e068788, R Bernabei, F Landi, R Calvani, M Cesari, S Del Signore, SD Anker, R Bejuit, P Bordes, A Cherubini, AJ Cruz-Jentoft, M Di Bari, T Friede, C Gorostiaga Ayestarán, H Goyeau, PV Jónsson, M Kashiwa, F Lattanzio, M Maggio, L Mariotti, RR Miller, L Rodriguez-Mañas, R Roller-Wirnsberger, I Rýznarová, J Scholpp, AMWJ Schols, CC Sieber, AJ Sinclair, A Skalska, T Strandberg, A Tchalla, E Topinková, M Tosato, B Vellas, S von Haehling, M Pahor, R Roubenoff, E MarzettiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.