Microsatellite Instability and Lynch Syndrome
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Microsatellite Instability Is Associated With the Presence of Lynch Syndrome Pan-Cancer
J. Clin. Oncol 2018 Oct 30;[EPub Ahead of Print], A Latham, P Srinivasan, Y Kemel, J Shia, C Bandlamudi, D Mandelker, S Middha, J Hechtman, A Zehir, M Dubard-Gault, C Tran, C Stewart, M Sheehan, A Penson, D DeLair, R Yaeger, J Vijai, S Mukherjee, J Galle, MA Dickson, Y Janjigian, EM O'Reilly, N Segal, LB Saltz, D Reidy-Lagunes, AM Varghese, D Bajorin, MI Carlo, K Cadoo, MF Walsh, M Weiser, JG Aguilar, DS Klimstra, LA Diaz, J Baselga, L Zhang, M Ladanyi, DM Hyman, DB Solit, ME Robson, BS Taylor, K Offit, MF Berger, ZK StadlerFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.