Metformin for Treating Cytopenias in Children and Young Adults With Fanconi Anemia
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Metformin for Treatment of Cytopenias in Children and Young Adults with Fanconi Anemia
Blood Adv 2022 May 02;[EPub Ahead of Print], J Pollard, E Furutani, S Liu, EB Esrick, LE Cohen, JR Bledsoe, CW Liu, K Lu, MJ Ramírez, J Surrallés, MM Malsch, A Kuniholm, A Galvin, M Armant, AS Kim, K Ballotti, LA Moreau, Y Zhou, DV Babushok, F Boulad, C Carroll, H Hartung, A Hont, TA Nakano, TS Olson, SK Sze, AA Thompson, MW Wlodarski, X Gu, TA Libermann, AD D'Andrea, MCP Grompe, E Weller, A ShimamuraFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.