Management of Adults With a Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms
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Management of Adult Patients With Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: A Delphi-Based International Consensus
JAMA Dermatol 2023 Nov 15;[EPub Ahead of Print], MC Brüggen, S Walsh, MM Ameri, N Anasiewicz, E Maverakis, LE French, S Ingen-Housz-Oro, , R Abe, M Ardern-Jones, H Assier, A Barbaud, B Bensaid, W Bernal, C Bernier, A Brassard, E Brezinová, R Cabañas, A Cardones, CY Chu, SL Chua, V Descamps, B Didona, SJ Divito, R Dodiuk-Gad, S Elman, K Gaspar, CG Mortz, N Hama, HY Lee, B Horváth, L Jörg, BH Kaffenberger, V Kucinskiene, B Lebrun-Vignes, RJ Lehloenya, D Meyersburg, R Micheletti, B Milpied, F Miyagawa, A Mostaghimi, M Nägeli, L Naldi, E Oppel, EJ Phillips, T Pirani, A Ranki, T Mälkönen, M Rosenbach, C Salavastru, D Staumont-Salle, H Sandberg, J Setterfield, K Shinkai, T Shiohara, A Soria, D Tartar, GS Tiplica, S Traidl, A Vorobyev, C von Wachter, S Worswick, YT ChoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.