Low Prevalence of HPV in Healthcare Personnel Treating Genital Warts
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Low Prevalence of Oral and Nasal Human Papillomavirus in Employees Performing CO2-Laser Evaporation of Genital Warts or Loop Electrode Excision Procedure of Cervical Dysplasia
Acta Derm Venereol 2014 Jun 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], K Kofoed, C Norrbom, O Forslund, C Møller, LP Frøding, AE Pedersen, A Markauskas, M Blomberg, J Baumgartner-Nielsen, JT Madsen, G Strauss, KG Madsen, C SandFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.