Lipid Distributions in the Global Diagnostics Network
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Lipid distributions in the Global Diagnostics Network across five continents
Eur Heart J 2023 Jul 01;44(25)2305-2318, SS Martin, JK Niles, HW Kaufman, Z Awan, O Elgaddar, R Choi, S Ahn, R Verma, M Nagarajan, A Don-Wauchope, MHC Gurgel Castelo, CK Hirose, D James, D Truman, M Todorovska, A Momirovska, H Pivovarníková, M Rákociová, P Louzao-Gudin, J Batu, N El Banna, H KapoorFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.