Itch and Mental Health in Dermatological Patients
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Itch and Mental Health in Dermatological Patients Across Europe: A Cross Sectional Study in 13 Countries
J Invest Dermatol 2019 Sep 03;[EPub Ahead of Print], FJ Dalgard, Å Svensson, JA Halvorsen, U Gieler, C Schut, L Tomas-Aragones, L Lien, F Poot, GBE Jemec, L Misery, C Szabo, D Linder, F Sampogna, S Spillekom-van Koulil, F Balieva, JC Szepietowski, A Lvov, SE Marron, IK Altunay, AY Finlay, S Salek, J KupferFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.