High Doses in Head and Neck Radiation Therapy Increase the Risk of Radiation Caries-Related Tooth Loss and Osteoradionecrosis
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- Three-Quarters of Cancers Attributed to Dental Radiography Could Be Avoided by Use of Rectangular Collimation and Application of Selection Criteria
- Knowledge of the Potential Risks of Radiation Exposure Is Paramount for Patient Informed Consent
- Awareness of Radiation-Related Caries in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Is Poor
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Impact of Radiation on Tooth Loss in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Retrospective Dosimetric-Based Study
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2021 Oct 01;132(4)409-417, W Gomes-Silva, K Morais-Faria, C Rivera, GF Najas, GN Marta, KGM da Conceição Vasconcelos, H de Andrade Carvalho, G de Castro, TB Brandão, JB Epstein, AR Santos-SilvaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.