High-Dose Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19
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Impact of High Dose Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia
Chest 2021 Jan 16;[EPub Ahead of Print], C Tacquard, A Mansour, A Godon, J Godet, J Poissy, D Garrigue, E Kipnis, SR Hamada, PM Mertes, A Steib, M Ulliel-Roche, B Bouhemad, M Nguyen, F Reizine, I Gouin-Thibault, MC Besse, N Collercandy, S Mankikian, JH Levy, Y Gruel, P Albaladejo, S Susen, A Godier, GIHP groupFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.