Genomics Helps Identify Post-Prostatectomy Patients at Higher Risk for Recurrence, Metastasis, and Death
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Tissue-Based Genomics Augments Post-Prostatectomy Risk Stratification in a Natural History Cohort of Intermediate- and High-Risk Men
Eur Urol 2015 Jun 07;[EPub Ahead of Print], AE Ross, MH Johnson, K Yousefi, E Davicioni, GJ Netto, L Marchionni, HL Fedor, S Glavaris, V Choeurng, C Buerki, N Erho, LL Lam, EB Humphreys, S Faraj, SM Bezerra, M Han, AW Partin, BJ Trock, EM SchaefferFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.