Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma Not Improved With Rilotumumab and Panitumumab
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FOLFOX Alone or Combined With Rilotumumab or Panitumumab as First-Line Treatment for Patients With Advanced Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma (PRODIGE 17-ACCORD 20-MEGA): A Randomised, Open-Label, Three-Arm Phase II Trial
Eur. J. Cancer 2019 May 23;115(xx)97-106, D Malka, E François, F Penault-Llorca, F Castan, O Bouché, J Bennouna, F Ghiringhelli, C Fouchardière, C Borg, E Samalin, JB Bachet, JL Raoul, L Miglianico, L Bengrine-Lefèvre, L Dahan, C Lecaille, T Aparicio, T Stanbury, H Perrier, A Cayre, P Laurent-Puig, S Gourgou, JF Emile, J TaïebFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.