Gastroenterology PracticeChanger in 2015: Hypnosis for Esophageal Disorders
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- Riehl ME, Pandolfino JE, Palsson OS, Keefer L. Feasibility and acceptability of esophageal-directed hypnotherapy for functional heartburn [published online ahead of print March 30, 2015]. Dis Esophagus. doi: 10.1111/dote.12353.
- Riehl ME, Kinsinger S, Kahrilas PJ, et al. Role of a health psychologist in the management of functional esophageal complaints. Dis Esophagus. 2015;28(5):428-436.
- Riehl ME, Keefer L. Hypnotherapy for Esophageal Disorders. Am J Clin Hypn. 2015;58(1):22-33.
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