Fractional Flow Reserve Effectively Guides Treatment in Acute Coronary Syndromes
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Impact of Routine Fractional Flow Reserve on Management Decision and 1-Year Clinical Outcome of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes: PRIME-FFR (Insights From the POST-IT [Portuguese Study on the Evaluation of FFR-Guided Treatment of Coronary Disease] and R3F [French FFR Registry] Integrated Multicenter Registries—Implementation of FFR [Fractional Flow Reserve] in Routine Practice)
Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2017 Jun 01;10(6)e004296, E Van Belle, SB Baptista, L Raposo, J Henderson, G Rioufol, L Santos, C Pouillot, R Ramos, T Cuisset, R Calé, E Teiger, E Jorge, L Belle, C Machado, D Barreau, M Costa, M Hanssen, E Oliveira, C Besnard, J Costa, J Dallongeville, J Pipa, G Sideris, N Fonseca, C Bretelle, J Guardado, N Lhoest, B Silva, P Barnay, MJ Sousa, L Leborgne, JC Silva, F Vincent, A Rodrigues, L Seca, R Fernandes, P DupouyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.