FOLFOX4 vs Sequential Dose-Dense FOLFOX7 Followed by FOLFIRI in Patients With Resectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
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FOLFOX4 Versus Sequential Dose-Dense FOLFOX7 Followed by FOLFIRI in Patients With Resectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MIROX): A Pragmatic Approach to Chemotherapy Timing With Perioperative or Postoperative Chemotherapy From an Open-Label, Randomized Phase III Trial
Ann. Oncol 2015 Feb 01;26(2)340-347, M Hebbar, B Chibaudel, T André, L Mineur, D Smith, C Louvet, JL Dutel, M Ychou, JL Legoux, M Mabro, R Faroux, D Auby, D Brusquant, A Khalil, S Truant, A Hadengue, C Dalban, B Gayet, F Paye, FR Pruvot, F Bonnetain, J Taieb, P Brucker, B Landi, M Flesch, E Carola, P Martin, E Vaillant, A de GramontFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.