FFR and CFVR in Coronary Stenoses of Intermediate Severity
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Physiological Basis and Long-Term Clinical Outcome of Discordance Between Fractional Flow Reserve and Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve in Coronary Stenoses of Intermediate Severity
Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014 Apr 29;[EPub Ahead of Print], TP van de Hoef, MA van Lavieren, P Damman, R Delewi, MA Piek, SA Chamuleau, M Voskuil, JP Henriques, KT Koch, RJ de Winter, JA Spaan, M Siebes, JG Tijssen, M Meuwissen, JJ PiekFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.