Effects of Canagliflozin on Serum Potassium in People With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
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Effects of canagliflozin on serum potassium in people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: the CREDENCE trial
Eur Heart J 2021 Dec 21;42(48)4891-4901, BL Neuen, M Oshima, V Perkovic, R Agarwal, C Arnott, G Bakris, CP Cannon, DM Charytan, R Edwards, JL Górriz, MJ Jardine, A Levin, B Neal, L De Nicola, C Pollock, N Rosenthal, DC Wheeler, KW Mahaffey, HJL HeerspinkFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.