Early Time to Conversion to an Everolimus-Based Regimen Improves Outcomes in Liver Transplant Recipients
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Time to Conversion to an Everolimus-Based Regimen: Renal Outcomes in Liver Transplant Recipients From the EVEROLIVER Registry
Liver Transpl. 2020 Nov 01;26(11)1465-1476, F Saliba, S Dharancy, E Salamé, F Conti, D Eyraud, S Radenne, T Antonini, O Guillaud, J Guguenheim, M Neau-Cransac, E Demartin, G Lasailly, C Duvoux, R Sobesky, A Coilly, S Tresson, V Cailliez, O Boillot, GP Pageaux, D Samuel, Y Calmus, J DumortierFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.