Early Postnatal High-Dose Fat-Soluble Enteral Vitamin A Supplementation to Lower Risk for Moderate or Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death in Infants With Extremely Low Birthweight
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Early postnatal high-dose fat-soluble enteral vitamin A supplementation for moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death in extremely low birthweight infants (NeoVitaA): a multicentre, randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled, investigator-initiated phase 3 trial
Lancet Respir Med 2024 Apr 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], S Meyer, J Bay, AR Franz, H Erhardt, L Klein, J Petzinger, C Binder, S Kirschenhofer, A Stein, B Hüning, A Heep, E Cloppenburg, J Muyimbwa, T Ott, J Sandkötter, N Teig, S Wiegand, M Schroth, A Kick, D Wurm, C Gebauer, K Linnemann, J Kittel, C Wieg, U Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, S Schmidt, R Böttger, W Thomas, F Brevis Nunez, A Stockmann, T Kriebel, A Müller, D Klotz, P Morhart, D Nohr, HK Biesalski, EZ Giannopoulou, S Hilt, M Poryo, S Wagenpfeil, N Haiden, C Ruckes, A Ehrlich, L GortnerFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.