Early-Life Environmental Exposures Impact Blood Pressure in Children
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Early-Life Environmental Exposures and Blood Pressure in Children
J Am Coll Cardiol 2019 Sep 10;74(10)1317-1328, C Warembourg, L Maitre, I Tamayo-Uria, S Fossati, T Roumeliotaki, GM Aasvang, S Andrusaityte, M Casas, E Cequier, L Chatzi, A Dedele, JR Gonzalez, R Gražulevičienė, LS Haug, C Hernandez-Ferrer, B Heude, M Karachaliou, NH Krog, R McEachan, M Nieuwenhuijsen, I Petraviciene, J Quentin, O Robinson, AK Sakhi, R Slama, C Thomsen, J Urquiza, M Vafeiadi, J West, J Wright, M Vrijheid, X BasagañaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.